Tag: Recycling

Enhanced logistics for recycling cooperatives with new trucks and digital tracking of waste flow

Two of the nine waste cooperatives that BVRio is supporting in service improvements have started to receive critical logistics upgrades, including new collection trucks and equipment, and training to digitise waste flow, part of a capacity-building project funded by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste. Since the beginning of this project phase in August 2024, […]


Digitising Mozambique’s waste supply chain

Work has concluded on a study to establish if a digital waste management solution could improve waste collection and recycling in Southern Africa. The study, and pilot roll-out of the KOLEKT digital waste management app, was conducted in Mozambique with funding provided by the European Union Africa RISE (Reform for Investment and Sustainable Economies) programme, […]


BVRio delivers joint position on Minimum Requirements of Verified Plastic Recovery Units at INC-3

Next week, BVRio will be in Nairobi participating in the UNEP Third Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) meeting, which aims to develop an international legally binding instrument – a Global Treaty – on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. As a long term advocate for, and developer of, solutions which support and include informal waste […]


Trash Tech – how a mobile app for recycling, that doesn’t even require the user to have a phone, is helping waste pickers grow their income and their business

Over the last 18 months in Brazil, Vietnam and Mozambique, informal waste pickers have been using smartphone technology to coordinate the sale of recyclable waste, resulting in increased income for themselves and improved recycling rates in the cities where they operate. There are an estimated 20+ million informal waste pickers in the world, living mostly […]


BVRio joins knowledge exchange mission to foster plastic circularity in Brazil

Last week, BVRio participated in a crucial international mission in Europe, at the invitation of the Circular Plastics in The Americas Program (CPAP) – Brazil & Colombia. BVRio joined the high-profile Brazilian delegation that included experts from the public and private sectors. The primary focus of the mission was to engage in discussions about opportunities […]


BVRio conducts analysis of Decree on reverse logistics credits

BVRio, as a pioneer in creating the reverse logistics credits system with over a decade of practical experience, has conducted a thorough analysis of Federal Decree 11.413/2023. The new regulation, which came into effect in February this year, represents a significant advancement in sustainable solid waste management in Brazil, with a notable focus on the […]


200T of waste removed from Guanabara Bay

Our circular economy team has celebrated the milestone of 200 tons of waste collected with the fishers involved in the ‘Fishing for litter in Guanabara Bay’ project and honoured them for International Fisherman’s Day, celebrated on 29 June. The day of recognition highlights this traditional craft’s role in combating ocean pollution, with each piece of […]


Helping shape Angola’s EPR thinking

Last month while working on the roll-out of the KOLEKT waste management app in Angola, an AfricaRise programme funded by the EU, Circular Action Director, Thierry Sanders, was invited by the National Waste Agency of Angola to assist with the country’s thinking regarding introducing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation.  Calling on over a decade of […]

Pilot project completes with 350+ waste pickers benefitting

Waste won’t wait: How solutions which support informal waste pickers can start to clear the way now for a world without plastic pollution.

Globally there’s an estimated 20 million+ informal waste pickers. An army of recycling experts, picking their way through the rubbish discarded into the environment, as a result of a lack of organised collections, sorting and recycling. Discerning about where they place their effort, waste pickers choose the most valuable waste to collect, sort and redesignate. […]


Digitising the waste supply chain in Mozambique & Angola

The KOLEKT app is now in the hands of various different types of users in Mozambique and Angola, as part of the first phase of the study and pilot project to establish if a digital waste management solution could improve waste collection and recycling in Southern Africa. During March and April, Circular Action Director, Thierry […]